Background music for best experience

DanFourts' very amazing page that is forever WORK IN PROGRESS

Social media websites nowadays are fucking boring and have no customization at all so I made this very very cool page that is not writen in notepad and that is not improvised at all and that I didn't spend 3 minutes watching a youtube tutorial to know how to do.
No not at all 😎

Ok but who are you?

I am a very interesting individual (sit around all day doing nothing).

I consider myself to be a very laidback person. I'm not good at trying to act professional.
Imagine on Discord being like "AAAAAAAAAAA RLZNCMWWMPZYRKX HHI HII HELLLO UwU I WUUV YOUU OK BYYEEEEE :33333333🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤩🤩💕💕💕"
but writing an email being all like "Greetings Blablabla, I trust this message finds you in good health and high spirits. Worm regards, Xx_Dannielo117_xX"
It's quite comedic !

I also fucking hate politics, it scares me and I always try to stay as far away from that as possible.
I'm super cool with LGTBQ+ people. In fact, I own a blahaj and like to dress feminine every once in a while :3
Also I'm not really good at talking to people but at the same time I can be super clingy which is a weird combination yay :D

Now that we've gotten that out of the way let me briefly mention the things I like!


I've been doing musics for almost half of my life now and it's been a slow but kinda cool journey.
My DAW of choice is FL Studio, its so good and doesn't crash every 3 seconds TRUST ME (IM BEING HELD AT GUNPOINT)

My inspiration, references and influences are many, varied and keep changing all the time so I'm just going to keep it simple and say that
I like listening to shit that's heavy like Pantera or Yuyoyuppe and also weird stuff like comercial 2000s EDM (dont ask why).
J-Pop and J-Rock are also cool, if there's a band that influenced the way I do my metal structures more than anything else, it's Linked Horizon.
If there's a genre that influenced how I do my synths, it's Eurobeat.
If there's an artist that influenced how I do my drums, it's LeFidoot.
If there's someone that influenced how I do my guitars, then holy fuck I don't know what to tell you.
If there's something that influenced how I generally compose and arrange, then it's the thousands of random songs I've listened to and
subconsciously absorbed into my musician brain through the years.


I have a Youtube channel and I often make videos for it but they aren't very interesting so let me quickly mention some of the channels I like:

Dan Worrall - Incredible mixing engineer with a ton of experience with sound, knows how to explain shit, has given fire advice on his YT channel.
White Sea Studios - Another incredible mixing engineer, this one is more focused on testing (and often times exposing) plugins.
Spectre Sound Studios - Very loud and angry Canadian metal engineer. Fricker does not fuck around and will show you what REALLY changes the tone on a guitar amp.
Benn Jordan - AKA The Flashbulb, dude's got a channel where he tests a fuck ton of acoustic stuff and talks about the music industry every once in a while.
Tantacrul - Incredible musician with a background in design. His videos are so fucking well produced that even if you have no idea what he's talking about he still manages to peak your interest.
DankPods - funnie aussie guy yells at ipods and nuggets. dingus.

Watch shitty animes and horrible mangas!!

Stuff from the 90s is cool. I vibe a lot with Slice of Life stuff but I'm also cool with the occasional fantasy setting (Frieren my beloved)


I don't really game a lot lately but when I do it's usually old school type games like GTA Vice City, NFSMW 05, Half Life 1 and the original DOOM
(not because my computer is shit and cant run anything modern no not at all)

Make weird 3D images!!

Thank you Blender Guru for allowing me to create whatever the fuck attrocity I was feeling like that day.

Be a lazy fuck on Discord!!

god I really need to work on this index

AND NOW THAT YOu'RE DONE READING ALL THAT SHIT, why don't you check out the rest of my PAGES??